Our Family

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 23

Twenty-three days away from our girls is a place I never thought we'd be. But hopefully, the day after tomorrow we will be on a plane back to San Diego and back to our beautifully brave little ones. Their strength has far surpassed anything I could have ever expected. While they've had a handful of tearful moments, more than that they've consistently offered their genuine well-wishes for their dad and patience knowing that as long as he is getting better, we're all going to be okay. We transferred our home number to a cell phone shortly before we left and left that phone with them so they could feel that they were always just a phone call away. I wish I could print out the pictures and texts that have come across that phone. What a memory they would make!

Tomorrow morning Alex has his final tests and appointments to see if we can go home. He really seems to be healing well and being on the optimistic side, we have already booked our plane ticket for Thursday. I have my fingers crossed, toes crossed, prayers said, and will keep my eye out for every heads up penny I may pass in the next day! While we are so grateful to this hospital, the doctors & nurses here, the town in general, & the nearby family for their visits, we are so ready to get back home & get back to just being mom and dad again.

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