Our Family

Saturday, July 3, 2010

It's all under control...???

I just had to share this one. The above photo is our backyard. The top of the umbrella you see sits on our back patio. My dad (who is amazing & came out from Florida to take care of the house and kids while we are gone) sent me a text message yesterday of this photo with a caption that said, "It's all under control." Maybe it's just me, but something out the California Department of Forestry airplane dumping the red fire retardant on my next door neighbor's property doesn't look much like my idea of everything being under control! This photo was followed by a photo of a helicopter dropping water too! Turns out, the fire was extinguished with no property damage and quite a few caring neighbors and friends came by the house to help if needed. Brings new meaning to the old saying A Picture Speaks a Thousand Words.

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