Our Family

Friday, July 2, 2010

Answered Prayers

Two months and 2 days ago Alex and I sat in a solemn doctor's office and were the people the staff clearly felt bad for. The nurses said things to each other like, "You know, right?" And no matter how Alex tried to be the eternal optimist and lighten the heavy news of his rare cancer, no one else in the office shared his positive perspective. In the days that immediately followed, we began to hear very intimidating words like inoperable and lung transplant. Before we knew it we were making plans to come to Boston and give this surgery a shot.

So, here we are 2 months and 2 days later, receiving more news. Today, the doctor called to let us know that the pathology reports came back. They got it all. The margins were clear. The cancer had not spread and he is completely cancer-free. I feel such a mix of wanting to go door-to-door in this hotel and tell every single person our news or maybe just sit in our room and cry. I am so overwhelmed. I know this is not the news everyone receives and am so terribly humbled by that knowledge.

Just a few days ago, we sat on the other side of the curtain in Alex's divided hospital room as his roommate received the good news that the pathology reports from his surgery were back and his cancer was gone. As this incredibly kind grown man broke down, you couldn't help but be filled with joy for him and his family. You also couldn't help but to pray a little bit extra hard that we would have that same type of moment. Today our moment came. I completely understand that not everyone who may read this believes in God or the power of prayer. I respect that reality. I also respect the undeniable truth that we have been blessed in far too many ways for it to be brushed over as coincidence. As worrisome a time as this has been, there too has been a peace that only God could provide. It's like the background music in a movie is playing and you're watching your life from the outside in. We have experienced a level of kindness and love from friends and strangers alike that has truly changed us forever.

Proverbs 4:20-23 My son, pay attention to what I say; listen closely to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to a man's whole body.


  1. This is the miracle I prayed you would have. I am so glad things are turning out well for you. Life can be amazing sometimes.
    Linda Thompson

  2. I've looked at the text Alex sent me on April 30th "Thanks sis,I got this thing beat.Love ya" everyday since I got it and as usual he was right!I'm so very happy for Alex,you,the girl's and our whole family!Miracles do happen!Love you both!

  3. I can't express how amazed I am by both of your strength and courage! I said a very small prayer everyday for your family! I love you guys and can't wait for you and Alex to be back home with the girls where you belong! All of our love xoxoxoxoxox

    Michelle, Bailey, Maddie, Aiden & Glynn

  4. God is so powerful and amazing! What great news! A true life miracle. How could anyone say there is no God?!?

  5. Chills again, Connie and Alex, I AM SO HAPPY!!!!!!
