Our Family

Friday, July 2, 2010

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

Today is day 17 here in Boston and the light at the end of the tunnel is really beginning to shine. Alex is improving in every possible way. After trying an alarming assortment of pain medications wouldn't you know what ends up providing the most relief is actually the old tried & true Ibuprofen. He is now able to be awake, alert, and somewhat comfortable all at the same time! Yesterday I managed to navigate the city of Boston on foot and locate a Medical Supply store. There, I purchased our new favorite item-- the sleep wedge. This 10 inch piece of foam allowed Alex (& in turn myself as well) to sleep for 3 hours in a row, not once, but twice last night! Today, Alex has taken what I would consider a pretty big leap forward. He ate a normal breakfast, took a real shower, and even walked to the outside of the building. He is supposed to walk a few times a day to reduce the likelihood of developing pneumonia. His goal later is to walk to the fire station across the street. Keep you posted on that one... for now, things are definitely looking up.

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