Our Family

Friday, July 9, 2010

So Good to be Home!

Yes, we are home and so happy to be here! Thanks so much for all the prayers and well-wishes that helped to get us here. It was a long, long day for Alex yesterday and he's pretty sore today, but it was all well worth it! Making it home with such a wonderful outcome from the trip and seeing our beautiful girls again made yesterday quite possibly the happiest day of my life. I simply have no words to describe how this feels. We are humbled, grateful, and just so excited to work on this fresh new chapter of our story.


  1. i cannot even imagine how good it feels to be home and how thankful you all are for the outcome. God is so good!

  2. So almost a year later! How is everything??? I hope you are 110% percent!!! Lots of Love! Jill Russell

  3. Hi!

    Congratulations~ You've won one of my GIVEAWAYS!!! Pincushion & baked pins!!
    I just need your email & shipping address, and will get these in the mail to you asap.

    Thank you for playing and sharing Creme de la Gems :)))

  4. Email me at lilbeadbrat (at) yahoo (dot) com, so I can get your mailing address ;)

    Thank you for playing!!
