Our Family

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 15- Our Best Day Yet

Today is definitely our best day yet. Alex will be discharged to the hotel late this afternoon. Since our hotel is right here on the hospital campus and he is now tube-free it's thought that he will be able to get better rest in his own environment. We couldn't agree more! Not quite home, but a step up from the hospital for sure. No noisy alarms or vital sign checks right when you dose off! The hotel was kind enough to switch us to a handicap room. His spirits already seem better just knowing this phase is almost behind him. 1 week ago today he was a cancer patient facing major surgery with no other realistic options or control of his own life. While we are still awaiting the pathology report on the lymph nodes that were removed, for today, he can begin to feel like he is back in charge of his life. Truly our best day yet.

1 comment:

  1. This is such wonderful news - congratulations on this next step forward!
