Our Family

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Although they are a bit unusual in California, we have a basement in our home, so I understand the magnetic pull the basement has for all the stuff that somehow doesn't fit anywhere else to end up in the basement. However, I was a bit surprised to learn that the CD of images we have been anxiously waiting to arrive in Boston, was in fact delivered on Tuesday morning and has been relaxing in the basement with a delivery clerk named F.J. ever since! The good news is that we can finally get scheduled. The bad news for me is that my nerves caused my Mother's Day manicure to be sacrificed in the process. :(


  1. Your blog is so beautiful Connie. This is the first time I've seen it. Each day I pray that God cleanses Alex's body and that He pours His strength upon you and the girls so that you may be stong in your faith during Alex's healing. God's hand is upon you I am sure. We have all of our friends and their prayer groups praying for healing. Read Isaiah 41:10 "Fear not, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed. I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will uphold you with my victorious right hand." Most of my life I have been a very worrisome person. Last year was a very difficult year for us and I read this. In order to remind myself of this, I had it made into a tatoo. Not that you should tatoo scripture on yourself, just know that we need not worry when God is our keeper. If you need anything, even a laugh, call me.

  2. Thanks Jodi. One of my girlfriends sent that same verse to me and I love it. Alex has spent a lot of time in Isaiah lately and it's seems very appropriate. Your prayers are so very much appreciated!! We are peaceful in God's hands and will faithfully follow His path. Love you!
