Our Family

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sharks, Lightning, Rattlesnakes, and Black Widows

We have been grateful that many people who have been through similar experiences before have shared much useful information with us. The one tip they have all had in common is to keep your sense of humor! While logically this seems challenging, for Alex, this is cake. While waiting for Alex to have one of his scans done, I was left alone with his chart. So, of course, I snooped hoping to find any piece of new information! What I actually find on page 1 left me in tears, mainly to see his great sense of humor shining in such an otherwise overwhelming moment. Under the question, "Please list any known allergies," Alex writes: Sharks, Lightning, Rattlesnakes, and Black Widows. Humor he definitely has on his side.


  1. Bless you Alex for your humor! We have a date on Kauai next summer ... there are no snakes there! Aloha

  2. Thanks Aunt Barbara! Sounds perfect. We'll be there for sure! ;) Aloha.
