Our Family

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Took some baby steps this afternoon. The registration department at MGH called and officially registered Alex as a patient there. This comforts me to know he is no longer not really a patient here anymore, but not yet a patient there. It has felt too much like an awkward limbo where they might just misplace him altogether! {I'm sure they wouldn't, but you never know:)} The nurse from Mass General also called and let us know they have Alex on the schedule for evaluation and bronchoscopy on Tuesday and Wednesday. If they can schedule the surgery for next week as well, then we'll take those appointments and be on our way Monday. If not, then we'll move those appointments to closer to the surgery date. So... we're praying for the surgery date to be available next week!!


  1. thanks for sharing the link to your blog, connie. i will be praying for you and alex and your sweet girls as your life gets turned upside down. i cannot imagine what you are all going through right now, but God knows and He is the best comforter of all.

  2. You're so right Heidi. Your prayers and support are very sincerely appreciated!!

  3. Connie, I don't even know what to say, except to let you know that Brandon and I have been praying for your family daily. You and Alex are both so strong, and I know God will continue to strengthen you through this journey. xoxo


  4. Zandra,

    We feel the prayers and even just in our peace know they are being answered. They fill us with strength each day and saying that we are grateful doesn't even begin to express how it feels. Thank you so very much.
