Our Family

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Going to Harvard

There was definitely a time I can remember as a child when I really believed I would be going to Harvard one day. Clearly, this was not the way I had in mind. Due to the combination of the rare tumor in a rare location, we will be traveling to Massachusetts General Hospital at Harvard Medical Center in Boston any day now. Dr. Douglas Mathisen has agreed to perform Alex's surgery. Not being familiar with thoracic surgeons, this name honestly meant little to me at first. Now, it has been a tremendous source of comfort as we are reminded daily by everyone we speak with that this is the absolute best doctor in the nation, and possibly the world for this surgery. His credentials are a mile long and he is the chief of thoracic surgery at MGH. Crazy, how in a matter of just a few short days, someone you have not even met yet can become your absolute favorite person! :)

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