Our Family

Friday, May 28, 2010

Our Happy Anniversary

So, I haven't posted in a while because we are basically in a holding pattern and holding quite well! But, today I am inspired to shared a little something.

Eleven years ago today Alex and I were married and began this amazing life together. I remember saying our vows so clearly. I'm often saddened that it seems that the "for better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health" part has unfortunately become so muted in our society that it's just something many say and few are prepared to actually do. I, however, am so grateful to have a husband that understands that love is a verb. It's something we do.

While I would love to think that I'm super easy to love and be married to, I'm honest with myself enough to know that Alex has put in a daily effort for eleven years to show me his love. That's 4,015 days in a row that I have had someone make a point to make sure I know I am loved! It can be as simple as waking up specifically to make me coffee because I have an early morning or the way he makes it seem that living a life surrounded by girls & pink fluff is what every man dreams of. It's in everything he does and is. He lives his life for his family and as I look squarely ahead at the challenges that now face us, the only thing I can feel is so tremendously blessed-- Blessed to have had this time with such an amazing person, and blessed to have the opportunity to have more.

1 comment:

  1. That is so beautiful to read! You are both so lucky to have eachother! -Jill
