Our Family

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Packets, Paperwork, and Plans!

So, it's official. We have our plane tickets for June 15th to Boston. We received a thick packet of paperwork yesterday confirming all of Alex's appointments. It's a little intimidating, but again, we're just grateful for this opportunity! The official surgery date is June 24th. We need to be there the week prior as he has another bronchoscopy scheduled and other pre-op type appointments. He's still amazingly positive and good-spirited. I'm not sure what's harder-- thinking of the surgery or leaving our little girls for about a month! Still, we are constantly reminded by the daily outpouring of love and support from all around us that this will not be the hardship for us that it would be for many. The girls will have their grandparents here with them and are already looking forward to a trip to Nevada to spend a week with their cousins. As we make plans for our time away from them, we are trying our best to make it as fun as possible so not only will their minds be full of fun activities, but maybe they'll even look at it as their own vacation of sorts. They have wonderful neighbor kids and friends close-by to play with and will be visiting Sea World and maybe even Disneyland. We've set-up web-cams on our home computer and the lap-top we'll be taking with us so we can talk to them & see their sweet faces everyday. I know this ability to actually see them will be such an encouragement to Alex as he heals. We have blessings every way we turn.