Our Family

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Fur Balls

The kids... Telling the kids their dad has cancer is like an out of body experience. Logically, you know you are saying the words, but still, you can't believe you are really saying the words. It's just not supposed to happen. At 9 and 7, Emma and Gracie have already been questioning daddy's health in the last month. So, in a heartbreakingly simple moment, Alex called each of the girls in to explain how things will soon be changing a bit. With a hand-drawn picture and a brave explanation, the girls were finally told of the cancerous tumor and the required cross-country surgery.
The response? At just 4, Molly playfully ignores us and we're fine with that! Emma cries herself to sleep and worries about the things every 9 year old would worry about-- Mom stinks at softball, can't ride a dirt bike, doesn't do cross-fit, and {while of course is great at mom stuff :)} just simply isn't the dad that has become so much of a best friend too. Gracie on the other hand simply asks, "Oh, so you have a fur ball?" With a peaceful smile and nod Alex replies, "Exactly."
And with that... we find peace that we have at least made it through this moment.

1 comment:

  1. This post was hard to stomach, your writing makes me picture the situation exactly. (I'm reading from the bottom up to catch up)
