Our Family

Monday, June 14, 2010

It's Time

Our long month of waiting has passed and the day has finally come. Tomorrow morning at 4 am we will leave for the airport and officially begin the adventure that has been weighing on us for some time now. I won't try to lie and say we aren't a little nerved up today! Amongst the packing, preparing the paperwork, preparing the kids and household, nervousness is definitely taking hold. So, I try to focus on just being grateful we have this opportunity and the knowledge that God is guiding our journey and it's amazing how quickly peace comes. The love and support we have been shown in recent weeks has been enough soul food to fill a giant. You all know who you are. Nothing we could ever say or do could thank you enough for the strength you have given us.


  1. God's Speed! You are in the best of hands. We are here, as always. See you both July 9th.
    Love, Aunt Barbara & Uncle Davie

  2. Uncle Alex & Aunt Connie
    The moment i found out that you were sick i couldnt believe it. You were always the healthiest person in our family. I still cant believe that you will be having surgery in a couple of days. I hope you know that i Love and Miss you both so much. Just remember to rub the Stress and Hope rock that i sent you.
    I will be praying for you.I love you.

    Love your neice,

  3. Alex and Connie,
    I love you little brother and know you will get through this I'm sending lots of prayers your way!Connie if you need anything even just an ear you have my number,use it anytime of day or night!Love you both!
    Forever N Always,
