Our Family

Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 13

Today is better than yesterday. I think the reality of the road ahead is setting in a bit, which in a way makes each little accomplishment that much sweeter. The pain management plan for Alex is taking shape as some success was found today. Hopefully we can continue to perfect it over the next couple of days so that he can be discharged to the hotel. He is required to wait 7 days after he's discharged before he is cleared to fly home. As much as we are sooo excited to go home and be with the girls again, it's a little scary to think of leaving the safety net of the hospital. However, tomorrow will be a big step. Alex will head back down to the OR in the morning for a bronchoscopy. They will be looking inside to make sure everything looks as though it is healing as expected. Assuming tomorrow goes well, we might be looking at Wednesday for a discharge date. As Dr. Linuti often says, we will be cautiously optimistic!

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