Our Family

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 2 & 3

Sorry for my delay in posting. It's been a busy, but good couple of days. Thursday Alex underwent bronchoscopy surgery where the doctors were able to see that the tumor is in fact in the exact perfect location. "Perfect" meaning that if it were 2 cm to the left part or all of the lung would need to be removed and if it were 1 cm to the right we'd be looking at reconstruction of the carina. So, HUGE blessing! The doctor was also able to take a sample to confirm that this is a non-aggressive cancer which all arrows are pointing in the direction of. Alex did extremely well, as usual. He was completely sedated and apparently had a lovely nap! The whole process was about 2 1/2 hours and he woke up in a great mood with little more discomfort than a sore throat. I, personally, was so comforted by the doctors and nurses who actually called me in the waiting room from the OR to update me and then also came and spoke with me after. After a several hour nap that day, he was good as new.

Yesterday was a break from the hospital and we had a much needed day to catch-up on our sleep and acclimate to the time zone etc. I'm not sure if it's adrenaline, nerves, or what, but Alex has had more energy than he's experienced in a long time. Last night we had a wonderful opportunity to get together with Alex's cousin and his wife who took us to dinner and a Red Sox game. We had such a genuinely fun time. Alex was so grateful that this was the first time since we've been here that an hour went by that he didn't have a single thought about why we were here.

Monday, we will be back at Mass General for a chest x-ray and meeting with the surgical team to discuss the results of the tests and learn the exact procedure for the surgery on Thursday. So, all in all, we couldn't ask for a better start to this journey here in Boston. We have the opportunity to spend the weekend with family and have comfort in knowing that aside from missing our babies terribly, we are right where we need to be.


  1. Thanks for the updates! So glad to hear that things are going well. Hope you guys enjoyed your weekend...happy Father's Day to Alex!

  2. This is such a breath of fresh air!
