Our Family

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

On Our Way!

Well, according to the fancy "moving map" Delta Airlines offers in their seatbacks, we are over 1,000 miles from home right at the border of Minnesota and Wisconsin. I can't tell for sure though because mine seems to be stuck in Spanish mode. :) Thank goodness for Mrs. Giligan's 5th grade Geography lessons! For now, our nerves have subsided a bit as we are having good flights and Alex is feeling better today than yesterday. We actually won a session of the in-flight trivia where you answer Jeopardy-style questions and your opponents are fellow passengers. It might sound silly, but that was honestly quite exciting, at least for me.

Big plus.... Dr. Linuti's office called and confirmed our appointments for tomorrow. I hadn't thought of the possibility of a cancellation on their part until that moment and was suddenly so grateful for the confirmation!


  1. You have been in our thoughts and prayers everyday since we heard about Alex. Find strength in lifes challanges and know we will continue to pray for a full recovery. If there is ANYTHING we can do to help. please let us know.
    Sending our love....Aunt Debe and family

  2. Constant prayers are going up for you guys today! Hope all the appointments have gone smoothly. Let me know if there is anything we can do...like I said before, I'd love to have the girls over to swim and play!
