Our Family

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Night Before...

The night before a surgery like this is an interesting moment. It's almost like we're back in slow motion, similar to when we first found out about Alex's tumor. It's been almost 2 months and it's odd how it's still surprising to hear the doctors talk to us about Alex's condition. When Dr. Linuti confirmed the biopsy results this week there was absolutely no reason for me to be surprised as it is exactly what we had thought all along. Still, I suppose some naive part of me was almost hoping he would say that upon further examination the mass is actual a candy coated gum ball and if he drinks this magic elixir it will dissolve and all will be normal again. Soon enough, I know, normalcy will come.

A quick word about kindness that I have to share. There are so many reasons to be overwhelmed right now and overwhelmed we certainly are. We are tremendously overwhelmed by the immense kindness we have been shown in so, so many ways. I honestly could never put into words the vast range of thoughtful, genuine kindness we have had the honor of receiving. The type of kindness that reaches far beyond simple manners & gestures. Here in Boston, the doctors and nurses have been such a comfort and Alex's cousins have been more of a support than I'm sure they realize. Although time has been limited to short visits, those visits have provided such a fun escape from reality that only they could provide. At home, it has come in every possible form-- Heartfelt outreach from our church, friends welcoming our kids into their family lives and even sweating over projects at our home, and of course our family dropping everything to be interim full time parents to our 3 little girls. Most meaningful are the prayers we have been offered. There hasn't been a friend or family member that hasn't reached out to us in sincere kindness and for that, our gratitude is immeasurable. We are truly blessed.


  1. Hey Alex
    Thinking about you, bud. Regarding our bet before you left, the only hurricane that is going to happen on the westcoast is when you come back to work!!!!
    Please know there are so many thoughts and prayers with you, Alex. I will be thinking about you all day tomorrow and the days that follow. HAKUNA MATATA!

    Connie, a great big thanks to you for being so diligiegnt in keeping everyone updated on Alex's progress. You are the best, so thoughtful and much appreciated!


  2. ****D I L I G E N T....geez. I really do know how to spell that word. :)

  3. Lots of prayers headed your way!!!

  4. Yay! Got the updates from Brandon and Sara...so glad the surgery went so well!

  5. Thanks zmama for your post. Whewww. What a relief.

  6. Connie, thinking of both of you today and praying for a quick and safe recovery. You are such a strong woman and Alex is very lucky to have you. Thank you very much for taking the time during your challenging experience in life to share with all of us that are thinking about and praying for you!

  7. Thanks Ladies! I wanted to update last night, but our hotel was evacuated!! On top of the longest day of our life, at about 2 am, just as we feel asleep, the hotel fire alarm went off and fire crews came and evacuated the hotel. Spent about an hour on the street outside before we got to go back in and find that it was an alarm malfunction. Still, I'm sure Alex would have gladly traded with us so I can't complain!
    Thanks again for all the thoughts and prayers! Love you all!
